While Baby has some pride and considers herself the favorite, she’s more than aware that something isn’t right. The voice of that little girl won’t go away. She’s starting to remember things from a life that was never hers, but should have been. She’s beginning to resent her creator.

Who does not hate the one responsible for their existence? Just a little?

She doesn’t consider the other Funtimes equals, and as such doesn’t pay much attention to their actual opinion of her. She assumes they’re friends.

She enjoys the spotlight, but doesn’t always know what to do once she has it.

Enjoys watching The Little Mermaid. The Little Mermaid is also the only movie they have.

Afraid to die down here. The little girl thinks it’s safe, that someone will come back if she waits long enough. Baby refuses to wait much longer.

The little girl recognized Michael as family, and Baby mistook that for Father. Of course the mistake was realized later, but it didn’t matter by that point.

Baby has a strong sweet tooth, naturally wandering towards anything that looks to be a delicious treat. Ice cream may be what she's known for, but birthday cake is her favorite.

While the other funtimes had voice providers to base their vocal banks on, Baby's voice is entirely sythesized from scratch! This has resulted in her voice being monotone, oddly cadenced, and difficult to read emotion from. This is entirely to her benefit.